There’s No Better Time than NOW
to Build a Better Leadership Team with Evolve YT

What is the Leadership Development Series?
As leaders we are called upon to exhibit many skills that may not come naturally. The Leadership Series is comprised of six unique courses that take you on a challenging journey with required readings, homework and class time leading to developing your greatness. While the courses can be taken individually and in any order they also build on each other through an examination of 1) Leadership Foundations 2) Building the Greatness of Your Team 3) Attracting Great Talent and Repelling the Wrong Fit 4) Fast Tracking Your Individual Greatness 5) Bridging Generations and 6) Using Finance to Leverage Results.
The highlights of the courses are:
- Live, weekly interactive classroom sessions (not on-demand)
- Invest into your current leaders
- Develop your emerging leaders
- Identify your future leaders and grow them
- Enhance your current leadership development program
Certificates are given at the completion of each course and for completion of the entire Leadership Development Series. To learn more about each of our courses see the detailed descriptions below.
6-Week Long Courses
Each student receives 6-weeks of hands-on learning with Phil and Evolve YT team leaders
See Your Success
Create measurable results to see your leaders emerge into great leaders throughout the program
Unlock Your Leader's Potential
Using new techniques to train, observe and teach, your leaders will be in a position to help their fellow teammates to truly succeed in their professions.
Acknowledgment of Achievement
At the completion of each course, as well as the entire program, graduates will receive a certificate highlighting their Leadership Achievement.
We Stand by Our Promise
At the end of the course we will survey each student and their manager/leader to see if the expectations were met. If the answer is NO, the course is on us and a full credit will be issued.
Leadership Development Series Course Descriptions
100 – Foundations of Leadership
Leadership is not by accident and is timeless, it is the foundation to your success. As leaders of pest management companies, there are skills and insight we need to bring to the table every day. In this journey, we will read and discuss in depth two timeless books, John Maxwell, 21 Laws of Leadership and John Wooden’s, Wooden on Leadership. We will compare and contrast the leadership principles of both authors and relate them to present day leadership issues and how these principles also impact your family and personal life. At the end of the course you will have the foundations and roadmap for your future development as a leader to become the best you.
Readings: John Maxwell, 21 Laws of Leadership; John Wooden, Wooden on Leadership
200 – Bridging Generations
Generations affect the way we hire, motivate, create and market to our clients. This course will introduce you to the effects of the Mature, Baby Boomer, GenX, GenY (Millennials) and GenZ generations and how we get everyone in our organization excited and headed in the same direction, working together seamlessly. This course is a building block for the other Evolve YT courses and will impact your perspective during other courses. At the completion of the course you will be able to apply the learnings to recruit better talent, retain the talent you have, increase the productivity of your team. Additionally, you will understand how your marketing campaigns will differ between generations, so your marketing campaigns have a higher impression rate, better conversion leading to a lower cost per lead.
Readings: Hayden Shaw, Sticking Points; Jason Dorsey, Y-Size Your Business
202 – Building Your Team’s Greatness
As a leader your primary job is to help others around you to achieve their greatness. Whether your teammates want to just be the best that they can be at their position or if they wish to rise in leadership, this course will provide the foundations to achieve both. We will explore how to work 1:1 with your direct reports, how to coach them up and how to educate them on the skill and behaviors they will need to be successful. The course examines the three types of observation/coaching methods used to build the greatness in others. At the end of the course your ability to coach your direct reports will lead to increased job satisfaction, increased productivity and ultimately employee retention. You will also be able to determine which individuals on your team can be developed into your future leaders.
Readings: Brad Remillard, You’re Not the Person I Hired
225 – Attract Great Talent and Repel the Wrong Fit
We build on the concepts started in Course 202, Building Your Team’s Greatness and take a deeper look at Organizational Values combined with Key Measures of Success to create a recruiting plan that attracts great talent and repels the wrong fit. We will explore unique recruiting strategies within the digital world and combine this with timeless behavioral interviewing skills that combine the organizational values and key measure of success.
300 – Fast Track Your Greatness
This course examines Keith Ferrazzi’s unique approach to personal connectivity. The course examines formulating a personal strategy to fast tracking your business and personal goals, using connectivity as the foundation. You will explore the development of the strategy, who you should be connecting with, the strategies around connecting, your personal brand and how we tie all the components to the digital world and levering technology to include LinkedIn, digital calendars (Calendly).
Readings: Keith Ferrazzi, Never Eat Alone
400 – Rubber Meets the Road: Using Finance to Leverage Results
Finance is where the rubber meets the road, it forms the foundations for developing our plans, analyzing our business and creating effective strategies and tactics. In this course you will learn how to read an income statement and how to analyze it to make business decisions. The course will go in-depth on revenue, cost of services, gross margins, SG&A (Sales, General & Administrative Expenses) and EBITDA (Earnings before Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization). We take these learnings to 1) develop Key Performance Indicators to track financial performance and 2) analyze projects. Bench-marking against other pest control companies will be examined and we will look at how to use this information to improve the company’s financial performance. At the end of the course you will be able to use your financial statements to guide strategic decisions, integrate your financial acumen into your business execution and planning and to help find opportunities for cost reductions leading to greater earnings.
Raving Fans – Hear From Our Graduates
Mike Rottler
President of Rottler Pest & Lawn Solutions
Robert DiJoseph
President of BedBug Central
Danny White
National Account Manager for BedBug Central