There’s No Better Time than NOW
to Build a Better Leadership Team with Evolve YT

Bridging Generations
October 27th – December 1, 2020
$360 per student, discounts available for 3 or more registrations
Course Overview
Generations affect the way we hire, motivate, create and market to our clients. This course will introduce you to the effects of the Mature, Baby Boomer, GenX, GenY (Millennials) and GenZ generations and how we get everyone in our organization excited and headed in the same direction, working together seamlessly. This course is a building block for the other Evolve YT courses and will impact your perspective during other courses. At the completion of the course you will be able to apply the learnings to recruit better talent, retain the talent you have, increase the productivity of your team. Additionally, you will understand how your marketing campaigns will differ between generations, so your marketing campaigns have a higher impression rate, better conversion leading to a lower cost per lead.
REQUIRED READINGS: Sticking Points By Hyden Shaw; Y-Size Your Business By Jason Dorsey; Zconomy By Jason Dorsey
6-Week Long Courses
Each student receives 6-weeks of hands-on learning with Phil and Evolve YT team leaders
See Your Success
Create measurable results to see your leaders emerge into great leaders throughout the program
Acknowledgment of Achievement
At the completion of each course, as well as the entire program, graduates will receive a certificate highlighting their Leadership Achievement.
We Stand by Our Promise
At the end of the course we will survey each student and their manager/leader to see if the expectations were met. If the answer is NO, the course is on us and a full credit will be issued.
Bridging Generations
Week-By-Week Syllabus
Week 1
Overview of 5 Generations, Matures & Boomers
- Generational HR & Generational Marketing
- What makes up each Generation Overview
- Generations in Details
- Matures
- Boomers
- Sticking Points for Matures and Boomers
- Generational Makeup of Your Organization
Week 2
Generations Xers and 1st Half Millennials
- Review of Generational Makeup Homework
- Generations in Detail
- Xers
- Millennials overview and split generation
- 1st Half Millennials
Sticking Points with Xers and Millennials
Week Three
Generations 2nd Half Millennials & Zs
Review of previous week and learnings
- Generations in Detail
- 2nd Half Millennials
- The emerging generation: The Zs
- Sticking Points with 2nd Half Millennials and Zs
Week Four
Generations and Employee Growth and Satisfaction
- Review of previous week and learnings
- Values, Culture and Generations
- Understanding the Generational Culture of Your Organization
- Marketing to Generations & Using this in Recruiting Part I
- Questions to Understand Culture
- Case Studies in Culture: A deep dive into Homework Assignment (Company Interviews)
Week Five
The Influence of Generational Marketing to Generational Leadership
- Applying Generational Thinking to Marketing
- Are our services/products generational friendly?
- How do our client’s in each Generation find our companies? Source of Leads
- Matures
- Boomers
- Xers
- Later Millennials
- Early Millennials
- Zs
- Gen Y search and find companies
- Marketing techniques applied to Generational Recruiting
- Recruiting by Generation
- Recruiting Can we Use Generational Differences to attract more Millennials & Zs
- Key Measures of Success match Interesting and Making a Difference
- Social media and generations
Week Six
Bringing it All Together: Using Generations to Make Your Team Great
- HR Considerations for questions
- Loyalty and the Generations
- Using Generations in Managing Up Not Down
- Company Policies: Generational Preference or Organizational Necessity
- Case Study Interactive Session
Leveraging the Generations, Bringing Your Generations Together
Raving Fans – Hear From Our Graduates!
Mike Rottler
President of Rottler Pest & Lawn Solutions
Robert DiJoseph
President of BedBug Central
Danny White
National Account Manager for BedBug Central